24 womenpreneurs share their resolutions & reasons for 2022

24 womenpreneurs share their resolutions & reasons.
Why do our most well intentioned resolves fail? It’s very simple - what truly drives us from within, will ultimately power our actions too! 24 womenpreneurs share their resolutions & reasons on what's inspiring them.
How can our most well-intentioned New Year Resolutions succeed? It’s very simple - what truly drives us from within, will ultimately power our actions too! 24 womenpreneurs share their resolutions & reasons on what's inspiring them this year!
How can our most well-intentioned New Year Resolutions succeed? It’s very simple - what truly drives us from within, will ultimately power our actions too! 24 womenpreneurs share their resolutions & reasons on what's inspiring them this year!

A new year, brand new goals and resolutions. We’re eager, focused and committed to achieving a lot, ready to dive into new goals and plans!

But sometimes the best of plans remain just that.

The Manager at my local Y mentioned that their member sign-ups  in January are twice as much as the rest of the months put together. And come Feb or March, they never see most of those Members. Until the next year!

What will make our most well-intentioned New Year Resolutions succeed?

It’s very simple. What drives us from within, will ultimately power our actions too!

Most of us have a goal crafted out – but it’s not just about what we want to start, build and achieve. Sometimes, it’s the why that matters the most!

In a survey of a 531 US adults, among the top 10 new year resolution responses from those who said they will make resolutions was to exercise more, reduce stress on the job and improve work performance.

They want to build better businesses, claim their own power, support the community and lots more.

24 womenpreneurs share their New Year Resolutions and their motivations. Conquer 2022 with purpose and passion!

Read about their goals and get inspired by their new year resolutions list. Share your new year resolution ideas and tell us what your plans looks like.

Embrace delegation

Dasha Moore, Chief Operating Officer and Founder of Solodev’s goal is to become more adept at delegation. I found myself trying to do more than I should this year, and that often meant not knowing when to say no. However, that often left me spending time on tasks that I could’ve given to someone else in order to complete a project faster. Next year, I’ve got to trust the talented team around me with more tasks as they’ll be able to handle what I give them better than I could on my own.

Be skill centric

Daphne Mallory is learning voice interface technology to create her second Alexa Skill for Autism Skills.

“I’ve designed it for busy, overwhelmed parents and caregivers, to use an Echo device at home. They can work on multiple areas at a time, and Alexa will track the progress. I wrote the steps and order for 50 skills in three categories: functional, social and verbal. Why do this? The lack of verbal, functional or social skills hold autistic children back! I want to see them grow and express their creativity and realize their dreams.”

Adopt a smarter path to success

Maybe even a New York Times bestseller!

Being an author is a dream come true for Author Meredith Jaeger, who writes for HarperCollins.

Her debut novel, The Dressmaker’s Dowry came out in 2017. “I had high hopes for it, she says, “but I did not come near hitting the NYT list, which requires at least 5,000 copies sold in a week.

This year, she’s taking marketing and PR into her own hands.

“I’m networking and growing my followers on Instagram, reaching out to book clubs and attending more speaking events. Something that’s outside my comfort zone that I’d like to pursue, is giving a TEDx talk – I plan to pitch a talk about my journey from writing to publication.

Why do I want to become a NYT bestseller? Not only for the recognition, but to keep my career going. I would love to sell a third novel, and high sales of my first two novels will mean more likelihood that I can get a new contract.”

Do you aspire to give a TED talk in 2022? Here’s some advice for you to consider- More than Public Speaking – What I learnt doing a TED talk

Monetize a venture

Katie Draznin of The Journey Within has set some big career goals that she wants to accomplish before she hits her birthday milestone.  

“I launched a travel blog with a personal twist this year and am working on monetizing it. I’d like to establish a following of 100,000 subscribers and generate an income of at least $5K a month. I have seminars and trainings lined up to help me get there. I want to be in a space where I get paid to travel.

Event planning is a passion of mine – I am working with a money coach to launch it as a business, and to hold me accountable to my goals every day. There is no greater feeling than being able to bring someone else’s vision to life.”

Encourage female entrepreneurship

Ashley Mason, social media consultant at Dash of Social wants to launch a space for aspiring women entrepreneurs to grab resources to launch their business, chat with mentors in their field or industry, and connect with one another to solve similar problems and celebrate wins. She envisages an online community so that women all over the world have the ability to join in on the magic.

“I was in the same position these women are in. I felt like growing a business was impossible, I didn’t have much money to start with, and I felt overwhelmed with everything I needed to do — but I ended up proving myself wrong on all of those. I’m going to make a map of smaller goals I can accomplish each month of 2022 so that my new year resolution can become a reality.”

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Go local

Ashley René Casey wants to get engaged with her local business community.

“I focused a lot on social media in this year but missed some great opportunities to build relationships locally.

As soon as its possible, I plan on scheduling lunch with local leaders on a monthly basis – no pitches, just lunch. The more I get to know others and they get to know me, the more comfortable they will feel doing business with me. I want to be the go-to speaker and leadership consultant for my local community.”

Also read: 10 great places to Book Speaking Engagements

Give back

Lisa Pinnell, the founder of the Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock plans to share her business successes with the community.

“We are planning to donate a percentage of each purchase to help feed kids who go hungry. Each Binxy Baby hammock purchased will provide 10 meals to those in need.”

Forge fresh connections

Career Counsellor & Coach Rebecca Beaton plans to have a one-on-one coffee or drink date with someone new and interesting regularly, as soon as its possible in 2022.

“As an introvert, I wanted a goal to challenge me to get out and meet new people more often. You never know what opportunities might come along by forging a new connection–in both business and life. I’ve already scheduled these slots into my calendar for a couple of hours every 2 weeks. This will help me follow through on my commitment.”

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Be serious about a side-hustle

McKinzie Brocail of Medology is an SEO content writer and a freelance writer who wants to do more writing for herself.

“I commute to my full-time job and I freelance in my spare time, but I really want to do more personal projects for my own personal budget lifestyle and travel blog. Writing relevant content for others earns nearly $500,000 annually, but I have yet to monetize my own personal sites. I enjoy writing, and I want to take it more seriously in the new year.

I need to create a content and promotion schedule and I have a lengthy list of topics and ideas – just need to put deadlines to them and make it happen!”

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Task proactively

Other womanpreneurs on the go share their new year resolutions. Kelly Hayes-Raitt, is a professional house sitter and writer who’s been traveling full-time for 8 years now!

Her resolution is to do one PROACTIVE thing first thing in the morning. “I might reach out to HARO queries, for example, to pitch my book, or draft a blog, or write a bit of my next book,” she says. “That way, if the rest of my day gets overtaken by events, I can look back and say, at least I accomplished X!”

Why? I was not accomplishing enough work on my own projects (my new book, my blog, for example). I like the way it feels to prioritize my own projects. And I’m loving plowing through my to-do list!

Our mindset can be a powerful tool to help us enhance our work-life situations and win. Lead your workday with these 12 efficiency mantras or create your own.

Fight the email deluge

“My New Year’s Resolution for 2022 is to crack down on the amount of time I spend sifting through, reading and responding to emails,” says Lori Cheek, Founder & CEO of Cheekd. “I feel as if I’m missing out on so many opportunities by keeping my head down glued to my screen when the real world is physically passing me by.”

Grab some ‘me time’

Saloni Doshi, Owner & CEO owner of EcoEnclose Packaging, plans to take more time off.

“As a business owner, work can be all-consuming and it’s easy to take on more than you can handle. For me, I know how important it is that I take time off to recharge and slow down a bit. I’ve scheduled a couple staycations in 2022 that will allow me to take my mind off the business for a few days.”

“I’m a far better boss and all-around human being when I’ve had some time to relax and unwind.”

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Value myself

Crystal Henry, Owner of Basic Pitch recently branched out to start her own PR and content creation business, and her goal and plan is to value herself.

“Starting your own business is scary because you’re putting yourself out there hoping that someone finds you worthy. It’s all too easy to pick up pro-bono work just to get your foot in the door. Thankfully, I’ve been reminded by other women in business that I have marketable skills. I was highly successful at my last firm, and that success gave me the confidence to branch out on my own. But in order to make that leap worth it, I have to remember to value myself.”

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Learn and consolidate

Ashley Rose Marino, the principal and owner of Ashley Marino Designs, sees 2022 as the year of growth and direction for her business.

“In college, I studied psychology and grew into loving design; these are things that never taught me a thing about being my own boss. The last few months have been about growth in myself as a businesswoman making her way through the odds and ends of basic business training. I was gifted The Conquer Kit this holiday season by a fellow girl boss. I plan on working my way through that, solidifying my business plan, and focusing on the things that will make me shine compared to my competitors.”

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Reclaim focus

Frances Reimers of Firestarter plans to ‘tune-out the oughts’ and remain focused on who she is and the clients she wants to serve.

“As many entrepreneurs can relate, when I launched my business there were so many people around me suggesting what I ought to do. While much of that unsolicited advice was well-intentioned, it was often given without thought to my strategic objectives. As a result, there were short periods where I got off-track and/or doubted myself or my company’s purpose.”

New venture with novel tech

“I resolve to make my virtual reality movie To Patch A Broken Star, says Sabya Clarke. The journey of using technology to write a VR movie that explores the afterlife takes me far beyond my comfort zone. However, the skills that I’m acquiring along the way are helping me deepen my knowledge of VR and how to monetize experiences. I’m also learning to work well with others on the team.

Why VR? There’s no better form of storytelling than one that is immersive. It’s a powerful tool to change perceptions and to make a difference. I plan to follow through and deliver this movie by being accountable to myself, to backers who helped me run a successful Kickstarter campaign, as well as future investors who want to come on board as executive producers.”

Forge a sisterhood

Mickie Carter Blogger and a certified Physician Assistant wants to keep in mind the reason she started One Strong Southern Girl – to motivate and inspire women to exercise. Her plan is to create a team with the goal to do an obstacle event/run.

“Why? Because I’ve run 2 Tough Mudders and I want to share with other women that awesome feeling of accomplishment and pride that comes with completing an event like that. It’s amazing and humbling when you realize just what your body is capable of. I want to be a part of a group of incredible women who share a common goal–to be healthy and strong–and cross the finish line together. It will be life changing. I already plan to run a Warrior Dash. Now I just need to form a team.”

Go extra social

Carter also wants to start with Facebook live.

“Because people love Facebook and they love to watch and engage in Facebook videos. My plan is to post a few short workouts a month on my page. This is way out of my comfort zone. I’ve always been a very private person and I don’t have the self-confidence I wish I did to see/hear myself on video. I think I can reach a lot of people this way and am excited about trying something new.”

Create time, to learn and to recharge

Lisa Druxman is an entrepreneur, author and founder of FIT4MOM. She wants to determine what’s most important in her life and then to make sure that her calendar reflects those important things. Taking time to learn something every day is high on her list.

“Whether it be listening to a podcast, a course, or an audio book to and from the office; I believe it’s part of my job as a leader to continuously grow.

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Another goal for me is to make sure there is margin in each day on my calendar. Space to take a breath between meetings, to avoid rushing to appointments, to get caught up. It’s about doing what’s most important each day, not to get the most done in a day.”

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Explore the world

Serena Holmes, President & CEO of Tigris Events has a goal of visiting at least 2 new countries every year.

“As a business owner, work can be very consuming so having a work life balance and taking time to recharge is very important. Aside from this, I would like to launch the software we have spent the last 18 months building to provide my team with more efficiency in their positions and create a scalable platform to drive our business.”

Maximize business & personal investment

Deborah Sweeney, CEO of My Corporation wants to continue to focus on ROI with each of our expenditures. “As we continue to grow, I plan to keep a watchful eye on increasing revenue without a commensurate increase in expenses. On a slightly more personal note, that still ties in with business, I also want to hit at least 10,000 steps each day. Daily exercise gives me the energy I need to remain charged all day long — a must-have boost for any entrepreneur!”

Teach & mentor

Margaret Groves, the founder and principal consultant of Engineered Process Improvement is excited to take on something new – teach high schoolers about how to prepare for their upcoming college choices and future careers

“I’ve always wanted to have a platform to share my passion for engineering and I hope I’ll be up to the challenge!”

On a much different level, I have a personal, unpaid, goal to find and coach five worthy startups in my local area of Tacoma and have them pitch to our local angel investor network. This has personal implications for me – even though I grew up upper middle class, I’m still intimidated by investor amounts of money. The steps of reaching out to the investor network, pitching them this idea, and convincing them will address a lot of my personal hang-ups about being a young, successful, woman in the current business environment.”

“It’s what I’ve always dreamed of–and this is the year I will take responsibility for my dreams.”

Also Read: Mentors Matter: How to See, Meet & Grow with One

Prioritize creativity

“I think we all get caught up working so hard that we forget to self-manage our own strategic directory, both in life and in work,” says Jessica Higgins. “This year’s calendar invite will be for me to take the mental space I need to be creative. One hour per day of blocked out creative space.

I have a demanding and flexible career, and until this year, I let clients set my schedule. I wasn’t enjoying the benefits that flexibility gives, so I began each morning with a workout.

Some coworkers weren’t too pleased, and it was a bit awkward to demand my Pilates meeting at first, but the long-term benefit is that my stress levels are permanently down and I’m actually happy. In a heavily collaborative environment like mine, this is a huge ROI.”

“This was my counterintuitive productivity hack and coworkers around the world have started following trend as well.”

Also read: 20 Sparks to Creatively Rethink Skills and Career (and prepare to be amazed!)

Get financially fitter

Liz Bentley an executive coach and the founder of Liz Bentley Associates is aiming for more financial health and wealth.

“My son, the oldest of 3, is going to college next year and there are some renovations I would like to do to our house as well as other expenses coming up. For me that translates into 3 things. Being more on top of my and my family’s spending, making better investments and  growing my income.and growing

To do this, I have decided to hire my business accountant to also do the accounting for my family. With her insights, I can feel more in control of our finances. To build my income, I will expand myself (both personally and professionally), our business and our company.  I will lay out those strategies by quarter and review as we go along, so we can course correct as needed.”


As far as New Year resolutions go, in the end, it doesn’t matter what you’ve resolved to do. It’s your follow-through that counts. It’s the depth of desire that decides.
If these new year resolution ideas inspired you, don’t just make yourself a promise. Ensure that it’s a commitment that you can’t but keep.

Pooja Krishna is an Entrepreneur, Consultant and Mom. She has worked both in large corporates and managed startups over the last 20+ years. A co-founder of Maroon Oak, she’s also founded Win Thinks, a small business consulting company, and Trading Paces, which educates amateur and pro stock traders. She blogs and teaches workshops about Brand Strategy, Social Media & Future ready Career Solutions. She loves being a Classroom Mentor and teaching students across the U.S. about Job Skills and Entrepreneurship. Read her interview on Huffington Post.

A trivia buff and yoga & hula hoop enthusiast, Pooja loves spending time with her family playing board games and watching documentaries. 

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  1. Amy 4 years ago

    Very inspiring! It’s great to see that I share some goals with such accomplished women, and now I have a few more to add for myself!

  2. Latraila Tolbert 4 years ago

    This is so motivating and very inspiring. I am so happy that I am still sticking to my resolutions!

  3. Nicole Flint 4 years ago

    This is so inspiring! What a great way to start off the new year! Happy New Year!

  4. This is so so motivating!

    I love the fact that we should value yourself.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Ellie Plummer 7 years ago

    I love this so much, this is such an inspiring post full of lost of inspiring women, thank you for sharing this.

  6. Ariel 7 years ago

    I love all of these! I love how you gathered a bunch of people and put their goals in one spot. I love the one about being creative, that is definitely something I am working hard on for 2018. Thank you for sharing this!

  7. Liz 7 years ago

    I love these! Especially the idea of focusing on creativity!! I definitely need to make that more of a priority!

  8. Helene 7 years ago

    Wow these are really some awesome new year resolutions and reasons .. i loved reading this .. yes indeed im motivated more by this ..

  9. Michelle Leslie 7 years ago

    That was so fascinating, I really enjoyed reading what all the successful womanpreneurs hope to achieve this year. We’re all at different points in our career paths and striving for a greater good. I wish you all the very best for 2018

  10. Preet 7 years ago

    This is amazing list, truly inspiring post. I do believe in women supporting women. Taking out some ‘me’ time at the end of the day to recharge and work on my own creative side is something I need to prioritize more.

  11. Jodi 7 years ago

    Look at all of these wonderful entrepreneurs GIVING BACK!! I love it! And who knew you could be a PROFESSIONAL HOUSE SITTER?!?! What? That’s got to be the best job EVER!! I may need to connect with her! 🙂

  12. Shadlyn 7 years ago

    My heart smiles when I see or hear women empowering other women. I really hate the fact us women see each other as competition based on looks or success.

  13. Jasmine Eclipse 7 years ago

    I LOVE all of these ideas so much! And I love how you presented them with all your reasons too! Best of luck in achieving all your goals this year!

  14. Samantha 7 years ago

    These are great resolutions and I identify with many either personally or professionally. My main goal is like Katie’s, make a certain amount per month through monetizing so that I can blog full time. I would like to set myself up to blog full time by the end of the first quarter/beginning of the second quarter.

  15. Jill 7 years ago

    This is brilliantly written and truly inspiring. It is so vital that we build each other up and form a tribe of warrior women. You have done just that in this post and I absolutely love seeing strong ladies pushing each other for better.

  16. Kesha 7 years ago

    I love to see women who have been successful in their careers empower other women. So often people achieve success and keep it for themselves instead of paying it forward.

  17. Ana De- Jesus 7 years ago

    I like the idea of monetizing a venture and that is exactly what I have done with my blog. I quit my job in the summer and took up blogging full time and it was a great decision. Prioritizing creativity is another good goal!

  18. Tanvi Rastogi 7 years ago

    This is a wonderful and inspiring post … right note to start the year on! Happy New Year!

    ❥ tanvii.com

  19. Talina 7 years ago

    These are some great, and inspiring tips that I will definitely carry with me into the new year! I hope 2018 is a marvelous year for you!

  20. Ithfifi 7 years ago

    These are really great tips and it sounds like you are totally prepaired to get stuck in during this new year. I have bigger goals for my blog than how it is now but its all knowing the right ways to go about it. I am going to take this into consideration and do a lot more research on how I could progress futher. Goodluck with your goals!

  21. corinne & kirsty 7 years ago

    What a great list! amazing resolutions! and applicable to everyone! i need to be more responsible with my finances! and delegate more too!

  22. Sheri 7 years ago

    Very inspiring message for everyone. I like the idea of being serious about a side hustle. I also create several short terms goals for myself.

  23. Sreekar 7 years ago

    Wow. A great list of tips from people who seem to know what they are talking about! As rightly pointed out we need to prioritize creativity than doing the same mundane stuff every day!

  24. Jessica 7 years ago

    This is so inspiring! I appreciate all the messages they shared.

  25. Niekartistiek 7 years ago

    Such an inspiring post. Taking me time is one of the most important things to do, and really focus on growing as a person. Taking time for creativity is a favorite here.

  26. Esperanza Scotto 7 years ago

    This is so inspiring! Tons of great advice, thanks for sharing! I’m excited to start the new year on a good foot.

  27. jhilmil 7 years ago

    That’s really inspirational to read and follow some of these goals which suits one personally and professionally. Going Local is what I have chosen from this list!

  28. Lauren 7 years ago

    These are amazing tips. I love the idea of helping locally to benefit the community around me!

  29. Laurence 7 years ago

    Good posts. I’m taking a me time now. And started doing my blog after a long time. Hopefully next year it will be great for more adventures and new job too.

  30. Cassandra Rose 7 years ago

    I love the idea of taking your side-hustle more seriously. Sometimes, I feel like I make excuses to not put in as much effort into my alternate work as I do my daytime job.

  31. One of my favorites from this beautifully written piece is taking time for creativity. I want to get back to creativity for myself. I used to write and draw and paint. I just want a little bit of time for myself to do those things again.

  32. Bianca 7 years ago

    This is brilliantly written! By the incoming year, I hope I can do at least half of this. Embrace womanhood, sisterhood and most of all, embrace you.

  33. Nikki 7 years ago

    Great tips for setting goals in the new year. It’s so easy to set goals and for them to remain just that so I hope these tips help. Motivation and getting up and getting things done are key. Nikki x


  34. Cristine 7 years ago

    Following through on a plan is more difficult than it seems. Make sure to work through any setbacks to ensure that you achieve your goal

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