Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines for Entrepreneurs (and how to write yours)

Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines for Entrepreneurs (and how to write yours).
Rock your LinkedIn Profile, and start with your headline. LinkedIn is important, whether you're running a business, working freelance or furthering your career. Crafting an impactful headline is key, because that's where you build interest or lose attention. Get inspired by these awesome examples of #LinkedIn headlines for #entrepreneurs, with different approaches to rock yours. Plus, don't miss the pro tools that can be a huge help!

LinkedIn is important, whether you’re running a business, working freelance or furthering your career. Crafting an impactful headline is key, because that’s where you build interest or lose attention. Get inspired by these awesome examples of LinkedIn headlines for entrepreneurs, with different approaches to rock yours. Plus, don’t miss the pro tools that can be a huge help!

Every aspect of your LinkedIn Profile counts. But some features are decidedly more important – they decide your searchability and profile click-throughs.

In other words, if Linkedin suggests your profile to a client or a potential connect, will they be intrigued or impressed enough to continue?

Why is your LinkedIn headline important?

A Linkedin headline is the first – and sometimes the only – thing that viewers will see in your profile.

Here’s an example of a name search on LinkedIn – see what shows up against each name. You can see only the Profile Picture and Headline, and that’s what you see when someone clicks to your Profile.

Examples of LinkedIn headline search

Therefore, your headline needs to be relevant, succinct and impactful! 

Yes, your LinkedIn Summary, Profile picture and cover image are also important, and deserve your attention.

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How can you craft a winning LinkedIn headline?

Here are my top 5 tips.

* The first step is to decide what your approach will be and how your credentials look.

Maybe you want to capture years of in depth experience in one area. Or you have changed several lines of work and want to focus on the current one. Maybe you prefer to thread different skill capabilities in your headline. Or, you might have a non-business or job related skill that you want to draw attention to.

* Explore inspiration from others in your niche, line of work, or even the influencers that you can borrow a thing or two from. Browse our list of curated examples of LinkedIn headlines below.

* Next, share your top attributes in your headline in 220  characters or less. 

* Use a combo or phrases or short sentences. Make sure you use separators (e.g. , . |) for clarity. 

* Review the finished headline – remember to check how it stands alongside the rest of your profile.

* Revise and refresh from time to time

Here’s how you can update the headline on your LinkedIn Profile

Explore these 20 Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines and get Inspired!

See how different women entrepreneurs have showcased their work, skills and accomplishments on LinkedIn using creative and well-thought approaches.

Choose the approach that works best for you or blend two or several.

Incorporate customer benefit with keywords

This ensures that you are speaking to your presentation customer but you also offer a tangible skill set or benefit that will appeal to them and make you searchable.  Whether you’re in Marketing or have a special Social Media skill (e.g. Pinterest below), sharing specific keywords can really help your profile show up even in organic searches.

Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines for Entrepreneurs (and how to write yours).


Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines for Entrepreneurs (and how to write yours).


Top examples of LinkedIn Headlines for Entrepreneurs (and how to write yours).


Multiple Skills or work attributes

This showcases different facets of your professional abilities.




Explain/ connect different career paths

When you have crisscrossed careers, it can seem challenging to explain them or build a bridge between very different types of experience. Here are 3 examples of women entrepreneurs who have embraced different careers and they share both effectively in their LinkedIn headlines.


Get inspired by these 20 awesome examples of LinkedIn headlines for entrepreneurs


Get inspired by these 20 awesome of LinkedIn headlines examples for entrepreneurs

Add attribute unrelated to work but significant

You might have a passion or a lifestyle choice that showcases your work ethic or personality. That’s when using those works in your headlines can really help you.

Get inspired by these 20 examples of LinkedIn Profile headlines for entrepreneurs

Create your LinkedIn Profile headline with these 20 examples

Showcase a shining credential

A professional achievement in your area of work can instantly elevate your brand and standing in the eyes of your customers and stakeholders. Being a patent holder is a a strong external validation, and worth mentionting.

Key skill with numerous capabilities

In you have a core expertise that you are using and marketing in different ways, your LinkedIn headline is the perfect place to do so.

Create your LinkedIn Profile headline with these 20 examples

Want more from LinkedIn but struggling with the ‘how’?

When clients or employers are searching, you want to be found!

Enhance your visibility, brand & work prospects

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Linkedin Profile Review for women entrepreneurs and professionals

Incorporate a degree or certification

Adding a professional qualification definitely adds a strong plus to your profile. It also sets the ground for whatever work attributes you share in the actual headline and summary sections.


 Combine your job with a side hustle

If you have a job and a business on the side, it’s worth mentioning both (if that’s allowed by your company). In such cases it’s really important to be able to incorporate the 2 careers effectively. In this example, Nirupama is able to show her tech knowledge and smarts and each strengthens the other.


Use bold adjectives to describe self

Sometimes the world will not know how awesome you are until you say so yourself. That’s where the use of string description words can be useful. If you have the right credentials, you can shine the light on yourself. Notice how Alexis include CPA in her name to underscore her professional knowledge.


Use a creative title or job description

Sometimes, the kind of work you do needs its own descriptor.  Adding a customized title helps you share your skills in a better, more effective way. In this example, Joyce mentions Innvovation Strategist, a title that also incorporates keywords in her chosen area. Plus, she uses other keywords that make her LinkedIn Profile more searchable.


Add emoji, symbols and fun elements

They serve a dual purpose – they offer a break from long and endless text and also create visual interest.


Stand out on LinkedIn!

Create your headline on LinkedIn to showcase your skills and experience in the best light as an entrepreneur. Get found quick and wow them with equal ease.

Are you ready to headline?

Stuck with your LinkedIn

Need a Pro to look it over?

Don’t miss your personalized Linkedin Profile Review with our pro team.

Linkedin Profile Review for women entrepreneurs and professionals

Pooja Krishna is an Entrepreneur, Business Mentor and Mom. She has worked both in large corporates and managed startups over the last 20+ years. 

She’s  a co-founder at Maroon Oak, and is founded Win Thinks, where she writes, speaks and teaches about Digital Media, Brand Building and Future Ready Businesses. A day trader for over a decade, Pooja launched Trading Paces to educate amateur and pro stock traders. As a classroom mentor, Pooja loves teaching students across the U.S. about job skills and entrepreneurship. Read about her on Huffington Post and Forbes.

A trivia buff and yoga & hula hoop enthusiast, she’s discovering the pleasure of drawing Zentangle patterns for ‘creative mindfulness.’

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  1. Jennifer Record 4 years ago

    I have never given much thought to my Linked In profile before but this post has inspired me to put in more time and thought into how I present myself..thank you

  2. Seriah Sargenton 4 years ago

    Great LinkedIn tips. I’m always looking to learn how to optimize my profile.

  3. Latraila Tolbert 4 years ago

    Those were great suggestions. Need to edit my LinkedIn right away!

  4. Doris Jean 4 years ago

    Great article. I plan on working on my skills as a writer to increase my revenue for my blog.

  5. Elaine 4 years ago

    Thank you for all the helpful suggestions. I believe I need to work on my LinkedIn profile now.

  6. Cynthia Hall 4 years ago

    Chock full of information that can be out to use right away, thanks so much!

  7. Brian 4 years ago

    Literally just updated my LinkedIn account to put web developer with my current position also. Great ideas here.

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