The No.1 Question Moms are asking kids

What work does Mom do? The kids are seeing it all right now , first hand. Check out the funny, heartfelt responses to the top Question Moms are asking kids.
The #1 question moms should ask their kids on Mother's Day and beyond!

Celebrating Momlife and all the work that mothers do!

Almost 70% of mothers work, says the US department of labor.  Strange. The last time we checked, 100% of them WORK!

With no clear line between housework and work-work, whether you worked from home, at an office, or managed home while the kids were at school, it’s an open show now. And our kids have front-row seats.

But what do the kids make of all this? What does mom actually do?

One kid thought that Mom was a driver. Another said ‘cook.’ With the teens, it’s a different story altogether…

The #1 question moms should ask their kids on Mother's Day and beyond!

This Mother’s Day, we’ve asked the kids to tell us!

“What work does Mom do? is the question Moms are asking kids

This quirky, awesome video with #RealMomStories celebrates your work through their eyes!

Do share in comments below how your kids answer this Mom Question – we would love to hear from you 

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Looking for a flexible job or career? How to be productive as a work-at-home Mom? Ways to prep your family when you back to work.

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