Celebrating Momlife and all the work that mothers do!
Almost 70% of mothers work, says the US department of labor. Strange. The last time we checked, 100% of them WORK!
With no clear line between housework and work-work, whether you worked from home, at an office, or managed home while the kids were at school, it’s an open show now. And our kids have front-row seats.
But what do the kids make of all this? What does mom actually do?
One kid thought that Mom was a driver. Another said ‘cook.’ With the teens, it’s a different story altogether…
This Mother’s Day, we’ve asked the kids to tell us!
“What work does Mom do? is the question Moms are asking kids
This quirky, awesome video with #RealMomStories celebrates your work through their eyes!
Do share in comments below how your kids answer this Mom Question – we would love to hear from you
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Looking for a flexible job or career? How to be productive as a work-at-home Mom? Ways to prep your family when you back to work.