Freelance and Remote Writing Jobs
Looking to work as a writer? Find the right kind of content creation, copywriting, editorial and blogging jobs with brands, companies and startups.
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With our curated opportunities, explore new remote, online or work from home writing jobs.
Plus, the best blogging resources, content creation tips and freebies for content creators to ace your skills.
Explore ALL Top Freelance Jobs and Opportunities!
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How can you find the best remote writing jobs, both for freelance and hire?
Stand out with your experience, skills and a high-quality portfolio
Explore 24 freelance writing niches to refine yours
Explore How to create an impressive writing portfolio (+12 awesome examples)
17 best practices for your online portfolio – showoff and shine!
Become a savvy blogger and long form content creator!
3 simple rules for pitching or applying to be a content contributor
Top tips on how to craft a winning pitch for magazines or large blogs!
Become skilled at writing quality work that’s SEO friendly!
How to ensure that your content works for SEO (and the people who read your work)
Learn to write content that generates organic traffic!
Explore the 12 free SEO Courses to learn the basics and more!
Use the right resources to enable and strengthen your work
Free training to be a freelance copywriter
Stand out with loads of tools and freebies to be an ace content creator.
Grab the free Guide to the top elements of a killer blog post
Make the right kind of impact.
Real employers and hiring pros share how to demonstrate your skills for online work
How can you ace your soft skills in resumes and interviews?
Getting that remote job is great! But what kind of work skills get you hired AND re-hired?
Stand out on LinkedIn in 14 winning ways
Short videos on how to rock your personal brand
While all jobs posted above are believed to be legit, Maroon Oak takes no responsibility for their content or claims. Readers are advised to do their research.