Maroon Oak celebrates moms who do it all with passion, purpose and humor.
Career moms, WAH Moms, Mompreneurs, SAH Moms, Grandmoms – you are raising another generation of awesome, talented people & we salute you!
Maroon Oak celebrates moms who do it all with passion, purpose and humor.
Career moms, WAH Moms, Mompreneurs, SAH Moms, Grandmoms – you are raising another generation of awesome, talented people & we salute you!
©2024 Maroon Oak LLC
Lovely video! Mom should be appreciated more, we do a lot. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
? Love! Great idea for a sweepstakes!
Such a nice video! Moms are definitely very special and totally deserve the sweepstakes.
What sweet video – and so true! Wouldn’t you love to have “Happiness Coordinator” on your business card?
I am always there for a handout
Oh I love the video! Moms are seriously super women and do so much. Great sweepstakes too!
What a cute video! I think my favorite is the Virtual — ly All the Time Assistant! That’s me!
I love this video! Mom’s are amazing, this is perfect for mother’s day!
It’s so nice to see moms being honored for that they do. It’s not an easy job and it’s definitely something that not everyone can do.
OMG loved the video. So very true. We are essential when it comes to EVERYTHING!!!! Ha ha. Made me smile.
This was a good video, moms do amazing and a lot of things
Mums are amazing, they are someone who always seems to be doing something, someone whos job never ends.
Oh wow this is so sweet I wish my mammy was still here ?
Your post just made me buy a gift for my mom on Amazon haha! Thank you for the inspiration!
That’s one great video! Mom’s really are the best, aren’t they?
This video is so sweet! Moms do so much for everyone!
Moms and their work, every thing is always great. Great video.
Loved the video. Even though I don’t have a little one at home anymore, still a mom forever.
Ahhhhh such a good video!!! Poop Catcher is my mom title lol for now anyways
I love the fancy jobs on the video; they’re the type that will allow any mum to still work while being able to handle their families well. And I think I love career mums; just like my mum. As much as she gets up to take care of her family, she always has time for a job! Cheers to career mums!
Great video! Moms are amazing, they do so much for their kids but unfortunately, they do tend to forget to take better care of themselves. This is a great sweepstake for moms.
Moms are so awesome, they can handle a lot of things at once. 🙂
This video is great. Moms do great works. Thanks for sharing the video.
This is a great video! So true. Moms do so much. I’ll have to enter the sweepstakes!