7 decisive ways to increase your blog’s audience and engagement

increase your blog’s audience and engagement
Do you have great ideas and goals for your business and self? To find success, most will need a well thought out plan and systematic execution. Find out how you can go from Goals to results - 15 strategies to succeed in this year and beyond.

Honestly, the world is blogged-out. What possible uniqueness can I bring?

I have heard this question presented over and over as a blogger influencer coach. Maybe you are reading this and asking yourself the same question? But, guess what? It is certainly not too late to start a blog in any niche. People will value the fresh perspective that only you can offer (within any niche). Your audience will flock to you for a reason and stick with you.

Let’s talk about how to make your audience know you (appropriately) and stick around.

Can fear undermine your success or nudge you out of your comfort zone? A leading author and coach shares her secrets on why being scared is good and how to make fear work for success.

Here are 7 decisive ways to increase your blog’s audience and engagement

1. Search on Google.

Google provides answers to questions related to any niche — including that of blogger influencers. Google Analytics is always transparent. If you want to know what your audience is searching for — spend time trying out different keywords in your niche to see what pops up first.

Are there ads related to your niche? What type of ads? Where?

If you start to notice lots of ads are being purchased in relation to your blog’s niche, that is a good sign the topic is trending/there is money in it. Google Support walks you through the steps of setting up ads and optimization to filter your target demographic in a way that suits your blog.

You can also use Pinterest to learn what is trending ( how?) because it is curated from consumers just like you! Personally, Pinterest alone has tripled my website traffic. A recent Hootsuite study confirmed that “85% of women users use Pinterest to plan ‘life moments‘.

And only 53 percent of those women said they use Facebook to plan these moments, and 44 percent use Instagram”. Based on these statistics, we know search engines (like Google and even Pinterest) are essential to connecting with your audience and marketing your blog.

Researching your audience’s pain points on search engines can take time — but it is free, necessary, and easy.

Make the most of Pinterest for your Small Business

Pinterest for Small Business
Can fear undermine your success or nudge you out of your comfort zone? A leading author and coach shares her secrets on why being scared is good and how to make fear work for success.

2. Be responsive.

Whenever you receive commentary, emails, questions, inquiries, etc. from a member in your audience — respond intentionally! Being actively appreciative of members in your target audience builds trust and comfort.

That individual will not only be more likely to come back and interact again, but she will be more prone to tell other potential consumers/customers about your blog. To take this a step further, cultivate conversations via your emails.

Write your emails talking to one person rather than a collective group. It allows that receiver to feel special and like the content was tailored specifically for her growth and feedback. Showing up consistently, asking your audience questions, and developing intentional conversation is a key marketing tactic for all your platforms.

How do you make your customers feel?

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3. Engage (genuinely) on social.

Take the time to form new, organic connections on social. It is easier now than ever before to build relationships, virtually.

Try sending voice memos on Instagram telling a member in your audience why you enjoy her content. Sending voice memos on Instagram allows you to take connecting a step further than a written message. In fact, the personal/ individual struggle of voice confrontation reveals that voice memos are relational tools to advance our communicational and professional growth. Your audience should feel an intentional, mutual bond that pushes them to follow along your blogging journey. The seeds of trust and gratitude are not easily un-rooted. So, start planting those seeds, now!

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4. Ask targeted questions

Too often a female, blogger influencer curates content that is not responsive to the true needs of her target audience.

For example, she creates a video that is marketed via the question “Do you want to lose weight and feel beautiful about yourself this summer?” And then the blogger gives tips, offers her services, etc. Instead of asking what the woman in her market is truly revealing as a pain point — which is, “Do you want to lose 20 pounds this summer to fit into that swimsuit you haven’t been able to wear in years?”

This later example represents a specific need a member of the blogger’s audience is struggling with. The question is detailed and tangible — not broad and vague. Ask your ideal client/audience member what she is struggling with! You can do this both in emails and on social media. Disclose what your audience truly struggles with and then curate content to alleviate that struggle.

Talk about what matters to your audience!

how to generate awesome content for blog posts

5. Get input and apply it

In a recent Instagram post, I told my audience member to ask me any questions related to being a blogger influencer (tips, concerns, struggles, ideas, etc). I assured my followers that I would answer all questions via email the following week. (And yep — this expanded my email list ?). It was a ton of fun to read the struggles, curiosity, and creativity of my ideal audience. Following through with my promise, I sent an email back answering all the questions/inquiries presented. This activity built trust, community, and knowledge around my platform. My application of real input created an opportunity for me to bond with struggling bloggers and provide the inspiration, wisdom, and applicable tips they craved. Relationship building takes time — but when you have built your community on a strong foundation your connections will thrive. 

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6. Make your audience a part of your story

Consistency also builds trust and money-making connections. If you are going through personal trials (we all do) and need a social detox or a time-out from your blogging endeavors — tell your audience! It is not necessary to go into massive detail on your trials (unless you choose to do so). Simply communicating your basic circumstance will build respect and appreciation. It will make your audience a part of your journey.

Nothing is worse than seeing your favorite (once consistent) blogger influencer going totally ghost with no explanation. This creates a disconnect, alienation, and distrust between you and a target audience member. We do not want that! Communicate real-life struggles/your need for self-care with these real people who are following your blog. The right members will relate and be grateful for your transparency as a blogger.

Don't just sell. Tell a story.

7. Always stay in tune with your “why”

Before I narrowed my blog’s focus — my blog was aimlessly shouting information to the wind and no one was sticking around. Why? In the wise words of Stephen Herfst, “By being everything to everyone, you’re nothing to anyone”. No one knew what value I was truly offering, and frankly neither did I. Your authentic, unique voice is a superpower. Staying focused and consistent with your mission and purpose builds a sturdy foundation that your audience will feel comfortable listening to and supporting.

Your values are the system by which you filter every choice with your blog. If a brand collaboration, affiliate program, event, etc. is out of alignment with those values — it is a no for your blogging business. No exceptions. Staying powerfully aligned with specifically who you want to help and why you want to help that person is key to connecting with your audience as a blogger. Fine-tuning your niche gives your blog a necessary, targeted voice.

How you present your content counts too!

10 key elements of a killer blog post

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Since narrowing my focus and actively practicing connection-building as a blogger influencer — my impact has skyrocketed. I have gone from 20 subscribers to 100’s (and growing), a few (often spammy) Instagram post comments to 100’s of engaging responders, lacking in collaborative community to running my own Facebook community group, and zero dollars in sales to more money in one day than I’d make in a couple of weeks my previous 9-5 jobs. Tremendous growth can happen for you, too! Harness these seven money-making steps and skyrocket your blog’s impact.

Let’s Review the Seven Money-Making Ways to Connect With Your Audience as a Blogger.

  1. Search on Google.
  2. Be responsive.
  3. Engage (genuinely) on socials.
  4. Ask targeted questions.
  5. Get input and apply it.
  6. Make your audience a part of your story.
  7. Always stay in tune with your “why”.

Are you struggling to keep powerful, genuine connections or the attention of your audience as a blogger? Ever feel like you are shouting into this virtual, but no one hears you or is shouting back? We can work through these roadblocks, together!

Leave a comment — let’s chat! This space too is a community.

Morgan Tyner is your RAW truth provider, direct, genuine + wicked capable creator bestie you’ve always wanted. A vibrant speaker, life coach & business mentor, Morgan’s genius is helping women embrace their capabilities, take messy action & monetize their passions of creating via their authentic voice. ChicaConfident.com was founded in 2017 exists to empower, educate, and enrich the professional skills, lives, & relationships of entrepreneurially-minded bloggers everywhere.

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  1. Latraila Tolbert 4 years ago

    These are great tips, and also rely on google more than I have planned to. It helps me a lot in researching what’s trending and many more. I will follow these and I hope to grow my audience too!

  2. Ej 5 years ago

    Great tips! Social media is a challenge for me because it can be ao time consuming. I try to limit the amount of time I spend on social. I really need to focus on asking targeted questions. Thanks for such an informative post!

  3. Joyce Rosselli 5 years ago

    Great post. Very informative. I pinned it so I can read it again. Thanks for sharing these points.

  4. erika 5 years ago

    I’m a new blogger so these tips are super helpful. Thank you for sharing!

    Erika Marie | https://imerikamarie.com

  5. Carrie 5 years ago

    Thanks for sharing! Definitely need to search through my niche a little more as I often run out of relevant content :/

  6. Beth Elkassih 5 years ago

    Thanks so much for writing this great article! I love your seven tips and I try my best to engage with my readers as well! This is so important. And I have also learned that it is so vitally important to use your reader’s name when communicating. This is ‘intentional’ engaging.

  7. Sarah Winton 5 years ago

    These are all such great tips. I love the idea of asking your followers a question on Instagram and answering via email. I’m definitely going to do that!


  8. Nailil 6 years ago

    These are some great tips! I plan to implement some of these.

    Xx, Nailil

  9. Lauryn Hock 6 years ago

    This tips are so helpful! I need to get better at driving views to my blog via social.

  10. Such amazing tips, will need to input these to my blog!

  11. Stephanie 6 years ago

    This was incredibly beneficial to me! I’ve been working really hard to get my blog to a better place, and I will gobble up all the education I can get!

  12. Tara Fuller 6 years ago

    love these tips. targeted questions definitely make a difference!

  13. kumamonjeng 6 years ago

    Very cool tips and I desperately wanted to increase my audience and be at the top of the google search engine.

  14. Kat&Phil 6 years ago

    Great advice all around! Having been blogging for a year now, all of it is valuable. Thank you so much for compiling this list!!

  15. Cynthia Nicoletti 6 years ago

    Thanks for sharing such great tips. I would love more engagement on the blog and social sites.

  16. Krista 6 years ago

    Absolutely great suggestions! I find genuine social media engagement to be a really effective way of increasing visibility and expanding reach!

  17. Dayna Brockbank 6 years ago

    Thank you for the tips! It’s awesome to see someone who has “made it” with blogging! I’m a brand new travel blogger and there are days when it is really hard to keep going, but I like a quote I heard that was “Just outlast the quitters!” and it seems to work for blogging! lol

  18. Leah 6 years ago

    YES!! omg I needed this list in my life. Thanks for all the helpful tips!

  19. Christella Burnette 6 years ago

    Girl yes! This makes so much sense! I need to start implementing ASAP. I’m missing out on engagement for real. Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. alpana 6 years ago

    That was a really helpful post. Today, maintaining those numbers is challenging. I write regularly. But as far is social media is concerned, it gets overwhelming at time. I find it hard to be on the social media all the time.

  21. Hannah 6 years ago

    These are really good tips – thank you! Audience pain points is something I’ve been thinking about recently as I want to develop some freebies and paid services, however, I’m finding it hard to come up with ideas! I have several different niches and I’m finding it difficult to identify things my audience needs that can actually be used to bring in income at the same time. What tips do you have for working this out?

    • Morgan Tyner Author
      Morgan Tyner 6 years ago

      ¡Hola, Natalie!

      I am SO glad to know my tips have been helpful for your blogging journey! I am always happy (and feel an obligation) to share any wisdom to help other bloggers grow! We are meant to collaborate & grow together :).

      Yes, having various different niches can make it extremely challenging, confusing, and overwhelming, indeed. During a season of my blogging business development — I encountered the EXACT SAME roadblock. I realized — though my “choice in niche” was genuine, useful, needed, and helpful — it was FAR too broad & as a result, it TOTALLY drained me. My mission became far clearer & fully aligned with my values when I was able to fill in this question: I help _________ do ___________ because _______________ . Think on this, be as specific as possible, and fill it in! Nothing wrong with getting more narrow in focus. As long as you stay fully in alignment with YOUR values — it’s a win. Your blog will better connect, speak to an audience (that you understand & have zoned in on), and your blog will truly thrive. As a result, developing freebies will become more natural and confident to grasp.

      What are your current niches? Feel free to reach out! I share lots of free blog development guidance with my email recipients! Come join in!! You can a link to my website in my Maroon Oak Bio!

      Xx, Morgs*

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