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Hi, my name is Petra and I am from Croatia.At the moment I am just trying to figure out how to start my organizing and helping business.

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Ellen Clarke
Words to me are like rocket fuel. The right mix is SO powerful. I've spent a lifetime working with words - writing and editing, proofreading
Shannon Gorton
I guide women to awaken the Divine Feminine within & create their self-defined path to achieving extraordinarily abundant lives in a safe community called Magical
Tanya Lochner
Align your business with its higher purpose for consistent income with ease & flow!
Kaitlyn Puente
I help hardworking women and families take the stress out of managing their money so they can feel more confident about their financial decisions and
Sayydah Garrett
Adult Education Instructor
Sarah Dew
Professional writer, author, mentor, public speaker and breast cancer survivor, I help you to simplify your life so that you can live your BEST life!
Pooja Krishna
Co-founder at Maroon Oak. Leadership placements in tech & startups. Extensive experience in corporates + ventures.
Hayley Luckadoo
I'm a serial entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and host of the Females on Fire podcast. I help women build growth mindsets, take risks, and go all
Caitlin Faas
I'm a coach and psychology professor who helps busy professionals integrate graduate school into daily life with career direction and productivity tips. Let's connect!
Audrey Hodge
I’m a proofreader and copy editor. My purpose is to ensure that readers can devour great content without getting hung up on inconsistencies or errors
Collette Maat
We help driven, bright and talented individuals build a career that is financially rewarding and gives a sense of purpose by finally being able to
Rina Shah
Multicultural PR, Marketing + Nonprofit Management Consultant |Speaker + Trainer | Writer | Mom
Tammy DeVoe
Creative Professional: graphics, brand image, project management
Nancy Collins
As a mother of two young children, my aim is to help women be their ABSOLUTE best! Through Blogging, Personal Consultation, Creative Ghostwriting & Avon
Aditi Wardhan Singh
Founder - Raising World Children | Contributing Writer - Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Richmond Moms Blog, Silver Linings | Social Media Manager - Circle of Peace International
Oxana Tarynina
Certified Professional Photographer.

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