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Professional writer, author, mentor, public speaker and breast cancer survivor, I help you to simplify your life so that you can live your BEST life!

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-Author -Blogging -Affiliate Marketing -Brand Marketing -Content Creation -Copywriting -Podcast Podcast Guest Project Management -Trello Public Speaking Virtual Assistant (VA) Wellness8 more
Petra Modrušan
Hi, my name is Petra and I am from Croatia.At the moment I am just trying to figure out how to start my organizing
Madison Bain
Graphic Design | Social Media | Logo Design | Video Marketing | Facebook Ads | Google Adwords | Digital Display Ads | Photography | SEO | Blog and Content Writing
Loretta Schuette
I am currently at a crossroads. I am yearning to transition from the mainstream workforce to the life of a virtual assistant. I am ready
Sandy Johnston
Creating a Product and Creator Marketplace Startup using Video Shopping tools.

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