The 7 rules for logo design to elevate your brand

  1. Latraila Tolbert 4 years ago

    Wow, been planning to reinvent my I am glad to stumble upon these blog. Thank you so much for these tips, I will definitely apply it to my new design!

  2. Hasibur Joy 4 years ago

    Business logo design is an important tool when it comes to promoting a company’s products or services. But the logo must have a unique design that incorporates a design concept and colors etc. elements in a special way. Such a logo makes a lasting positive impression on potential customers. Anyway, Nice blog. Thank you for sharing this blog.

  3. 366icons 4 years ago

    Wow, fantastic list. Thanks.

  4. Erica Holland 6 years ago

    I’m a graphic designer too, and all these points are so relevant to consider. Love your designs

  5. Kalyan Panja 6 years ago

    Thanks for sharing this nice post on the usefulness of logo, which I agree and have designed quite a few now for my own blog.

  6. twinspirational 6 years ago

    These are fantastic logo tips. We are always trying to improve ours.

  7. Jackline A 6 years ago

    These are wonderful tips for creating a brand logo. Many business owners forget how important this is

  8. Logo’s are so important! I have two – one for my professional business and one for my blog. Both times, I hired someone and send them a whole bunch of logo’s I liked to take inspiration from 🙂

  9. Arun 6 years ago

    Thank you, I am working on a website. This post is going to help me for sure. I learnt a lot from it.

  10. Jessa B. 6 years ago

    It is really important that the logo grabs attention and makes a strong first impression!

  11. Bindu Thomas 6 years ago

    These are excellent tips. I will share this with my designer friends.

  12. Amy Aberasturi 6 years ago

    A very thorough discussion of logo designs. I’m starting a new website and will definitely take this information into consideration. In fact, I am going to save the link to this post in my business folder. Actuallu, I’m subscribing to your newletters. Thanks! Amy Aberasturi

  13. Stephanie Stebbins 6 years ago

    These are excellent tips. I need to work on legibility and color! Thanks so much for this!

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