eBook – Websites that Convert

(2 customer reviews)


Get this awesome 16 point checklist to evaluate and improve your website.


e-Book on Websites that Convert

Does your website invite visitors to browse, explore, buy or join?
Or do your content, layout or even lack of info turn them away?
A cluttered or dated website can be turn-off but strong testimonials encourage customers to buy from you.

Get this awesome checklist to learn what works and what’s hurting your business.

Plus, valuable ideas, examples and links.

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Checklist, e-Book

2 reviews for eBook – Websites that Convert

  1. Mallory

    Short, sweet, and to the point. This ebook gives specific steps to make sure that your website is set up to convert well, but I do feel that it is geared more for beginners rather than anyone else. For someone just starting out though, there is good information here.

  2. Found it super useful. Didn’t realize how important the ABout You page is. Very easy to understand!

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