From PR to Parties

Maroon Oak Influencer Maria Robards

With a Marketing Degree from a top US university and a thriving career in Public Relations, Maria chose to take time off to be a full mom to her two kids. She spent the next 7 years as a Stay at Home Mom raising her girls and a Labrador named Ellie.

​While she used her talents in the ensuing years to actively volunteer in the community and the kids’ school, Maria found her calling in planning creative party themes for children.

“One year I did an unusual treasure hunt. And kids and parents loved my older one’s Art Party in the Park one spring. So I figured, why not take it to the next level and help other Moms plan their parties.”

Her advice to other women starting afresh: “Don’t be shy to ask for help. I knew a lot about Event Management but nothing about using Social Media. A friend helped me set up a Facebook Business Page with pictures and a rate card. It spread the word and before long, I had more queries than I could handle.”


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