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Free Career Networking Platform for Women.

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sayani ghosh
A Digital Marketer with 12 plus years of Experience who loves to create growth stories for brands.
Tammy DeVoe
Creative Professional: graphics, brand image, project management
Alyssa Hogan
The Empowered Leadership Coach | Corporate Trainer | Business Strategist | Leadership Development | Speaker | Author WORK Executives & Entrepreneurs to the Next Level.
Sasha Schmick
Professional engineer with BS and Masters in Civil Engineering. Co-owner 3D printing, designer and creator for Owen's Adventures Etsy shop. DIY blogger.
Keri Barnett
Brand, Web & Graphic Designer for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses
Supreet Bains-Sharma
An experienced public speaker, I use my past experience as a corporate trainer and coach to help people overcome their hesitation with public speaking.
Sue Melville
Closet full of clothes but nothing to wear? Confused by business casual, business smart, casual Friday and what to wear? I empower you to communicate
Stacey Meltzer
Seeking new work opportunities
Sayydah Garrett
Adult Education Instructor

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