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Aditi Wardhan Singh
Founder - Raising World Children | Contributing Writer - Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Richmond Moms Blog, Silver Linings | Social Media Manager - Circle of Peace International
Linda Lovero-Waterhouse
Helping female entrepreneurs gain clarity, take action and increase revenue with generating leads online. I hate jargon and translate "Geek Speak" to "Street Speak"!
Chitra Rochlani
I'm an integrative wellness/ fitness coach focused on results. I help my clients with strength training, effective cardio, nutritional guidance, accountability and support.
Sandy Johnston
Creating a Product and Creator Marketplace Startup using Video Shopping tools.
Pooja Krishna
Co-founder at Maroon Oak. Leadership placements in tech & startups. Extensive experience in corporates + ventures.

©2024 Maroon Oak LLC


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