4 Great Tools for Empaths in Entrepreneurship

Great tools for empaths in entrepreneurship

Are you an empath or HSP? Find out the best ways to put your gifts to work without feeling overwhelmed. Learn how to stay focused and be a successful empath in business. Plus, explore the best jobs & careers for empaths that bring out the best in you and help others in meaningful ways.

Win at business with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Get these great tools for empaths in entrepreneurship that help you stay focused and score. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Win with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Explore these top careers for empaths that help you stay focused and score, and how to succeed at them. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Win with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Explore these top careers for empaths that help you stay focused and score, and how to succeed at them. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Find the best jobs for Empaths. If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Get these great tools for empaths in entrepreneurship that help you stay focused and score. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Win with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Explore these top careers for empaths that help you stay focused and score, and how to succeed at them. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Win at business with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Get these great tools for empaths in entrepreneurship that help you stay focused and score. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.
Win at business with 'empathy.'  If you're a highly sensitive person who absorbs the energy around them, you'll make an excellent business dreamer. Get these great tools for empaths in entrepreneurship that help you stay focused and score. Plus, a self assessment to get to know yourself and your working style better.

I have something to say to all empaths in business (and others too). If you are an entrepreneur you probably entered this field for one of two reasons.  You tried the 9-5 and it made you wilt into a pile of hopelessness and despair. So you decided that instead of wasting one more minute of post-it-notes and meetings, you were going to be your own boss and probably take over the world (I may be projecting a little). The second likely scenario is that as an empath, you have a burning passion to help others based on your own personal success, skills or talent.  You know that it can help make the world a better place.  

For both of these scenarios, the common denominator is the empathic entrepreneurial soul.

What does it mean to be an Empath in Business or Careers?

Empaths are highly sensitive people who absorb the energy around them.  They make excellent business dreamers. You know you are one if you are deeply in touch with what your client needs. You can sense when someone is being dishonest, work well by yourself, yet appreciate connecting with others in short bursts.

Find out if you possess the traits of an empath entrepreneur

As an empath, you also know the challenges of starting your own business and trying to maintain a sense of sanity. This happens even when you are constantly bombarded with other people’s energy.

But how do you deal when the constant push and pull of business undermine your own success?

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Here are my 4 Great Tools for Empaths in Business & Entrepreneurship!

How do you kick ass and stay focused? Plus, a self-assessment that shares the 8 types of empaths- get to know yourself and your working style a little better, and win at business.  

Tune into your businessStay Connected to your Vision

Empaths are usually multi-talented, with a desire to help people.  As an empath in business, you may start with one vision, and be easily pulled off track by the sparkling temptation of running several projects, even though they are not in alignment with your core mission. That’s why being aware of your overall goal at the onset (and thereafter too) leads you like a North Star.

Define your mission statement in a few sentences and include the company’s vision, core values, and goals.  

Here is our mission statement at Intuitiflow: Bree and Lindsay are called to teach others to connect with their own intuition in order to live their most meaningful lives.  Together they are dedicated to working with clients and students to identify physical, emotional and energetic blockages, unraveling patterns, and to raising the consciousness of humanity as a whole.  

Notice all of your talents and identify which will suit you best in staying true to what you stand for, then feed your other talents through volunteer work, hobbies, or personal projects. Your mission statement can change as your work evolves.  Read your statement regularly, and use it as a tool to ground you in your work and remain aligned with your goals.

Explore the best careers for Empaths!

Are you searching for business ideas or the best jobs for empaths?

HSPs and Empaths bring their unique gifts to certain professions with great success.

Highly sensitive people do better in lower stress jobs with smaller companies or working as a solopreneur. Social organizations and helping professions, the arts and creative careers, support their skills, temperament, and gifts. When empaths are self employed, it even allows them to avoid the overwhelm of office frenzy and politics. 

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Best jobs and careers for empaths and top business ideas for empaths

Explore this awesome Infographic for more of the Best Careers and Jobs for Empaths and why you will rock them!

Don’t burn outGround Yourself

Being an empath entrepreneur can mean that in one workday you are doing a lot. You might be building out a newsletter, creating social media content, having introduction calls, recording online workshops and transcribing your podcast.  You would squeeze this in between chugging coffee and eating whatever you can, on a 10-minute lunch break.

“For empaths, this is the superhighway to burn out.”

While you may be a master of multitasking, you will benefit from also becoming a master at grounding.  

It can be as quick and simple as looking up from your computer and naming things you see. “That is my family photo, the floors are hardwood,” you might say. Or, “I see my cat, the walls are white, etc…”  You can also ground through meditations, or by taking your socks off and letting your feet touch solid ground. Eat earthy foods for at least one meal per day: root vegetables, protein, berries, etc.  Giving yourself a sense of connection to the earth creates stability and can help you focus and make more thoughtful decisions.

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Tame the overwhelm – Hire Someone

Yes, empaths are multitalented, and this leads to thinking that you can run all aspects of your business yourself.  

When I started Intuitiflow with my business partner, I decided that I would design and build our website, do all marketing, and create content.  I was determined to not pay anyone a single cent for work since I could do it all myself. But I was unable to see that the social media and marketing world literally changes by the minute.  The tools and information that I used in past marketing jobs, were not serving me anymore. I pushed through for the first year and a half of our business but was burning out and hardly getting results.  

This was until, Lindsay, my business partner, found us a marketing pro. She grew our Instagram account exponentially, re-built and optimized our website, created a Facebook group The Authentic Empath, and loaded us up with active group members.  Stephanie has not used one dollar in paid ads, she simply uses her magical techniques for organic growth.

Struggling with Instagram growth? Get our best resources for Instagram for Business!

I have learned to stop cringing at the first of every month when I write one check to my landlord, and another to Stephanie. Despite the fact that I can market and run social media, passing that work to someone else leaves me to do the work that I love – writing, speaking, creating, and helping.  Now that I have lightened my load, I spend time growing the parts of the business that I love. I am able to pass all of my knowledge, and skill on to our beautiful clients, and zero time wondering how to make a killer sales funnel.

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Embrace structure – Set Boundaries

Over the years I have listened to thousands of hours of podcasts, read SO many books and articles. And don’t even get me started on all the inspirational entrepreneurs I follow on social media.  Here’s a common thread I found amongst even the most successful entrepreneurs. It’s the belief that your day starts at 5 am and ends at 11 pm, you eat, drink and sleep your business. If you are not putting in 110%, you are not dedicated.  

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I am going to sharply contradict this.  For empaths in entrepreneurship, the best way to maximize your time, and focus on the task at hand, is to set boundaries in all areas of your life.  Choose a time to unplug from all devices each evening, take a full hour lunch break each day. Limit the amount of pro bono clients you take, and stop volunteering for every taskforce you are invited to.  Meditate and engage in self-care unapologetically and yet grow professionally. Empaths become overwhelmed easily, and typically require alone time to recharge. I do wake up early most mornings, but instead of diving into work, my day starts with a meditation, then coffee.  This gets the creative juices flowing and fires me up to take on the day.

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Self Assessment – what kind of an empath are you?

Know yourself a little better – Find out what Kind of Empath you are (or even if you aren’t, do you possess any of  these qualities?)

There are 8 core categories of types of Empaths that most highly sensitive people fall into and I’ve shared them below. But you will notice as you research your type that there may be up to 20 different types.

Claircognizant – clear knowing, or knowing without evidence

Physically receptive – you can feel other people’s physical pain

Fauna – you connect easily to animals

Geomantic – you are inexplicably drawn to certain places, sites or buildings

Medium – you connect with the spirit world

Precognitive – you have a highly attuned intuition and may have visions of the future that come true

Telepathic – you are attuned to others’ unexpressed thoughts

Psychometric – you connect and receive information from the energy of objects.  i.e. You may know information about the owner of a watch you picked up off the ground

Read more about the 8 advantages highly sensitive people bring to a business.

How this helps you

Self-awareness is key to learning about your abilities. Using these tools will help you successfully embrace the best jobs and careers for empaths. You can also apply them to improve your business, and the lives of your clients.  Plus, develop thee skills you possess as an empath.

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As a claircognizant, I can skip a lot of the exploratory small talk with my clients, and cut to the chase. They love that this saves time and because I build a strong rapport while going deep with people, quickly.  I am also physically receptive, so I have to pay attention to my physical self and notice if I am taking on the physical symptoms of my clients, or if I have my own pain. This saves me a lot of sick days!

Bree Sutton is a Mental Health Clinician & Energy Worker based in Alaska. Bree’s empathic approach to holistic wellness leads her to be sought out to guide life transformations, leading clients to the divine fulfillment of their soul’s purpose. You can connect with her on Intuitflow.


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  1. Shannon Gurnee 6 years ago

    I hadn’t even heard of an Empath Entrepreneur before. I’m an Entrepreneur and think these are some fabulous tips.

  2. Amber Myers 6 years ago

    Oh man, I struggle with getting burnt out. I am working on that. Or I’ll get distracted. So these are some helpful tips.

  3. Tara Pittman 6 years ago

    I tend to multitask too much. I need to start focusing more on one thing.

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 5 years ago

      Yes I get pulled in so many directions, I have to really focus on sticking to my lists

  4. Konstantina Antoniadou 6 years ago

    Sometimes I loose sight of my vision but fortunately I have people around me that keep me on track.

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Konstantina, how awesome that you have people around to help keep you on track! I can easily become distracted, but I usually take that as a sign that I need a quick water break or a minute to stretch, shake it off and get back to work!

  5. sabrina barbante 6 years ago

    these tools sounds interesting and very useful mainly because you also focus on the impotent matter of stress and time management.

  6. I love this post. The tips resonate with me. I need to ensure I don’t burn out or become overwhelmed. Thanks for sharing.

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Awesome! I’m so glad that you connect with the tips. It can be a challenge to balance work life and personal life, especially as an empath, but is definitely doable.

  7. Rhian westbury 6 years ago

    You’re so right about not burning out, a lot of people push themselves too much and it can have an adverse affect. When I’m working I always set myself times to work to make sure i don’t do too much x

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Yes! I use that one as well. I make sure to put my phone away and commit to not doing work on it when I’m with the kids. So hard, but it’s worth it to practice the art of NOT multitasking, but having full focus on whatever is in front of me.

  8. Liz Bayardelle 6 years ago

    I definitely trend in this direction, so I loved this list! I especially agreed with the section on setting boundaries! So hard and counterintuitive, but so necessary!

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Phew! I’m glad you enjoyed this part, I just know that when I work ridiculous hours, I may see a boost in my business, but I don’t feel good physically, and my family isn’t happy, haha. Boundaries have been huge for me.

  9. Gena 6 years ago

    I agree, it’s so important to take time in order not to burn out! It gets really overwhelming sometimes ;( Great article!

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Yes, soooo overwhelming. Luckily there are so many ideas out there to combat burn out.

  10. Enricoh Alfonzo 6 years ago

    thanks for the tips and tricks shared.
    my mom and sister would love this!
    Wow bree i related so so much to this on EVERY LEVEL! Lol actually for me it’s Both of those reasons that I chose to be an entrepreneur. I love how you articulated those reasons.

    • Breanne Sutton
      Breanne Sutton 6 years ago

      Wow Enricoh, thank you for this comment! I love knowing that people connect with what I am writing. It is important to recognize that an empath will burn out quicker than someone who is not so energetically connected to their surroundings. We have to take care of ourselves so our talents and gifts can be shared with this world!!

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