Take your business from Whoa! to WOW!

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Go bigger - become a Pro Member!

More Visibility, better Connects, exclusive Opportunities!

Pro Members get more!

Stand out, Get Featured, Connect with hundreds of Members. Plus, Premium Opportunities and list your Paid Digital Products!

You (and your work) win on Maroon Oak!

We help you connect, collaborate, reach customers and grow your business. Our large audience and awesome features are just a start!

We are the leading community of choice for hundreds of women from 30+ industries!

Network online, show off your skills, connect with clients and opportunities, hire and get hired, find mentors and advisors, and even list your digital products.

Explore all the awesome advantages!

You can list your business, be visible on our Directory, as well as post your free lead magnets (to build traffic to your website)!

Pro Members get so much more!

Plus, top billing on the Member Directory. Premium access features to connect with other Members. First dibs on freelance and job Opportunities. Email and web showcases. Access to our Marketplace as sellers. You can list your free & paid lead magnets and tools, build traffic and reach for your products!

And so many more…

Ready to Go Pro…?

Choose your Payment Plan!

Great Value!

Choose a 6 Month Plan

Pay $48

(That’s 20% off the Monthly Price)

Best Value!

Choose the Annual  Plan

Pay $60

(That’s 50% off the Monthly Price)

Share your awesome products with our vast audience!

Our smart technology platform lets you find and be found! And our team of business, design and tech pros is passionate about bringing you top-notch features and services.

In short, this Community is for YOU!

As a Pro Member, you get access to the only Marketplace for Digital Products for entrepreneurs and professionals. You can list your tools & freebies like eBooks, Templates, Courses, Worksheets, Memberships, Podcasts, Webinars and much more. *

check markReach a large number of women entrepreneurs, business owners, mompreneurs & careeristas.


check markMulti channel marketing – your products get repeat visibility via the web, social and email.


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Strengthen your sales funnel with your lead magnets, opt-ins and other free products.


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Make more money on your courses and webinars.


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Market to niche groups (by industry, segment or proficiency) on a women’s platform.

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Be a part of a highly curated Marketplace – your products appear in multiple searches.


check markGet more web traffic and views – all purchases and subscriptions happen on YOUR web or social platform!


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You convert so you capture emails and opportunities for future sales.


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Ample opportunities for upsells, cross sells and related product sales.


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Show off your brand – your Vendor (or Shop) Page shows all your products too (just like Amazon).

* Restrictions Apply

Check out some leading women entrepreneurs already sharing their digital products!

For less than the price of one latte a month, your brand and products win!

Plans start at $5/month with 2 great pricing options!

Already a Member? Go Pro!

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* Please note:


E.g. an eBook is a product. A website audit or logo design is a service and hence cannot be listed. If you offer a service(s), you can share it on your Member Profile.

You can add ONLY YOUR PRODUCT(S) and NOT AFFILIATE products

Products created by your business can be listed. But a Course or Webinar owned by someone else that you are Marketing is an Affiliate Product.

Maroon Oak reserves the right to flag off, delete or alter Products that don’t meet our Guidelines.

©2025 Maroon Oak LLC


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